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CD's and other stuff produced by Triple Goddess Music

Please make any cheuqes payable to Triple Goddess Music and send to the address on the contact page with a list of the items you require.

0001M. Spirit Shamans E.P.

The Sleeping Myth's recording from 2001, four tracks of ultra riffing pagan metal!
Track Listing
1 Mystic Harp dance
2 Circle The Morrigan
3 Journey To The Summerlands
4 Spirit Shamans

Only £3.00 inc Postage

0002M. Mabinogion Album

The Sleeping Myth's first Album featuring ex-singer Jamie Simpson. 8 tracks of the Myth at there best.
Track Listing

1 Hag Stone
2 Silue Whallian
3 The Mirror That Dreams
4 Blind Dragon Valley
5 Mabinogion
6 Rocket Wizard
7 The Conjuration
8 A Drink For bacchus!

Only £3.50 Inc Postage

0003M. Myth dragon T-Shirts

The ever popular Sleeping Myth dragon motif modeled by our resident rodie " medieval Melv"
Only £4.00 inc Postage